Glasses for Toys!

Here is a quick tip for making glasses for your custom action figures.

You will need a twist-tie, a small brush, & a pair of wire cutters.


STEP 1) Strip the paper or plastic from the twist-tie & tightly wrap the wire around the brush, but make sure you leave enough length for the arm & bend that part against the brush (see big funky arrow).


STEP 2)Wrap the wire around the brush as before, but reverse the direction of the loop, & again bend the remaining wire against the brush.


STEP 3)Wrap arm around ear & cut to desired length with wire cutters.
NOTE: If hair covers ears, make a small hole in temple (at hairline) & insert arm into hole.


And there you have it. To make thicker frames, like Austin Powers or like the ones I wore in third grade, use a thin paperclip, & instead of a brush use a pair of needle-nose pliers to wrap the wire around.


Go to Orlando's Temp. Custom Page

The preceding article was contributed by Orlando "Ultin", at his page you can find a great Superman in Phonebooth, among others .  Check his stuff out at: